Telegram for Android, which has been updated to version 3.3, in addition also offers a 'Quick Share' button in channels, right next to each message. The features are live on both Android and iOS clients. In addition, Telegram now also allows a group to have multiple admins, and offers the ability to edit the name of the group, logo, and these newly appointed admins too can add or remove members. These groups will be muted by default, and will send 'fewer' notifications about people who have joined or left the Telegram Supergroup. Deleted messages, however, will disappear for all members. The company in a blog post wrote that new members will be able to see the entire message history when they join the group. The company says that the groups that have reached the capacity of 200 users, previous high limit, can now upgrade their group to 'Supergroups' to add five times as many members. The encrypted messaging platform now allows as many as 1,000 people to be a part of the same group. Instant messaging app Telegram, which recently came under scrutiny for being used by the terrorist group Isis, has announced new features aimed at improving group conversations.